Unfortunately, the staff and doctors and nurses that you entrust with your loved ones are not always worthy of your trust. Accidents, as well as complete neglect and even abuse, can occur in nursing homes. Nursing home workers and staff that you have trusted with the care of our loved one can take advantage of and abuse your loved ones at the expense of your loved one’s finances and to the detriment of their health. When you suspect nursing home abuse or any kind of foul play at a nursing home in the state of New York contact the expert nursing home abuse contact litigation team at the Forzano Law Firm in Brooklyn, New York immediately to investigate and represent the interests of the victims of nursing home abuse.
The Forzano Law Firm has the trip and fall scenario legal experience, litigation knowledge and courtroom expertise to get you the maximum in accident compensation funds as a result of your trip and fall accident and medical bills and lost wages. When trip and fall accidents occur due to a manager, or owner’s negligence you should contact The Forzano Law Firm to help you to take the negligent party to court and get you compensation for your trip and fall injuries, medical bills and lost wages due to a trip and fall incident.